Sunday, July 12, 2009

Soul Mate Relationship

Soul mates can be lovers, parents, siblings, relatives, best friends and other individuals in our lives who are usually very close to us. As I understand it, four different kinds of soul mate relationships are possible.

"Karmic" soul mates are two individuals who have come together during a given lifetime to heal something from a past life or previous lives. Their relationship with one another can be very profound and loving, or it can deteriorate into the same negative situation that was created in a previous life. Another possible outcome is that the karma may only be partially resolved, leaving both with more work to do during this or some future life together.

All the negative karma we’ve incurred during any of our previous lives will eventually be healed through decisions that are based upon unconditional love and forgiveness. This will not happen because we are forced to do so as a form of punishment. Rather, our choices to bring healing will be based upon free will, which we and we alone will make.

This is what the universal law of karma is about. And we will have as many lives as we need to eventually balance all we have caused others to feel through fear, anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, and other ego-based choices.

The second kind of relationship we can choose to experience with a soul mate is one that involves important life lessons. For example, during our in-between life stay, we might plan to have a relationship with another while in physical body that would teach us the value of patience, forgiveness, tolerance, openness, acceptance, honor or another personal behavior that would foster our inner growth and spiritual awareness. Keep in mind that it could take many lifetimes to appreciate the importance of such qualities, and even more to make them a permanent part of our human nature.

The third type of soul mate partnership between a man and woman has been generally referred to as a "companion" relationship. These are individuals who join together in a bond of deep love to work on a project together. This might involve the formation of a spiritual center or the creation of an art gallery. Or perhaps the couple will compose music during a prolonged union.

The decision to accomplish a project through this kind of union was made by the two individuals prior to entering the earth plane. And their choice to do so was arrived at freely. This type of partnership may endure for part or all of a lifetime. Having made plans for their coupling prior to entering the Earth plane, the intent may have been for healing karma, for experiencing life lessons that come from partnership, or both. And life-plan contracts, made with spiritual growth in mind, always override man-made laws or religious dogmas.

The fourth soulmate relationship we almost always have is a close friendship or relationship with a relative. We join such individuals while in physical body simply to enjoy their love, company and energy. Not surprisingly, these individuals have been part of our previous lifetime experiences on many occasions.

It is very important to keep in mind that all soul mate relationships help us to remember who we really are, return us to God-centeredness and prepare us spiritually for the eventual reunion with our twin. As such, they can be extremely valuable and should be honored and respected for these very blessed reasons.

A dramatically different kind of relationship exists that is considered to be the most profound and compelling of all. This is the twin soul or twin flame union that will eventually transcend all others. However, because it is so highly charged with energy, the two individuals must be spiritually ready for it to last any meaningful length of time. When fully prepared, this union is meant to endure for eternity, because of its relationship to the ultimate ONEness we will all seek with our Source.

It is important to realize that any relationship you may now be having, whether it be soul mate or twin-soul, has the potential to be a glorious, fulfilling, extremely loving and very rewarding one, assuming that is what both individuals are striving for.

The coming together of twin souls does not guarantee fulfillment any more than a soul mate relationship might bring. What increases the chance for lasting twin reunion is that the two twins must be spiritually prepared for their relationship and then constantly find ways to make it work on that basis. The key ingredient is unconditional, unselfish love and the desire to base the union on a spiritual rather than a ego-based foundation. Only spiritually mature couples can deal with the influence of the ego in relationships. And that is a major reason for their success.

Always remind yourself that all relationships have a higher purpose. God created them to inspire us to understand and remember who we really are. After all, if you had no one to relate to, how could you know yourself? That is why all relationships are sacred.


The moment your soul was created it possessed male-female, ying-yang polarity and energy. God's love for you made sure that these two complimentary forms of consciousness, the masculine and feminine, would be bound together throughout eternity.

The two halves of one soul have been called twin souls, twin vibrations, twin rays or twin flames. Said another way, you only have one twin aspect of your soul in the entire universe who vibrates at the same frequency of light that you do. This is quite an awesome thought. However, the story is a bit more involved than this simple explanation.

Soon after our souls were created we left the joy and bliss of the Absolute to enter and experience the physical universe, in which we currently find ourselves. Originally we were ONE complete soul, one family, one Being. There was no separation, just complete joy and unspeakable bliss. However, when we left the Absolute to enter our universe of duality and opposites, all of that changed.

The ONE Soul, which was originally whole, began to separate and divide into smaller and smaller fragments of Itself over the ages. This occurred so that we could eventually relate to one another as races, nations, and families, or as individuals while in the physical universe of opposites.

As the splitting of the ONE occurred, relationships were born. And it is through relationships that we create opportunities to know ourselves, to remember our divine origin, to seek reunion and oneness with one another and eventually return to our Source. The twin relationship plays a very important role in all of this, as part of the divine, cosmic plan.

At the end of the cycle of division, our individual souls made one final and very painful decision. We separated from our twin, the other half of our soul-self, when we lost our way on planet Earth and became physical man and physical woman. We did this for a reason. As part of the divine plan, separation had to be experienced at all soul levels. This included twins within the same soul, so that we could initially experience and feel what separation was like. Then, when the time was right, we would reverse the entire process and experience the ecstatic joy of reunion.

Over the ages, and throughout our many lifetimes, the experiences and feelings of separation constantly reminded us of our yearning and craving for completion with our Source and with our twin. That inner hunger for wholeness is why we search for romance and relationship. That is why we have families. That also is why we seek God. We are trying to re-create the same oneness we felt in the beginning.

At some magical moment in cosmic time, each of us will reach a point during our personal growth and evolution where separation is no longer the path of choice for us. The signal that would ignite the experience of soul reunion would be our spiritual awakening. In the process, we would also remember and realize that we are divine Beings of Light.

Awakening to our true spiritual nature takes us on a inner journey that leads to the opposite of separation, which is reunion. As you can well imagine, reunion brings with it feelings of love, joy, bliss and ecstasy. At that moment, the soul begins to crave oneness with its Source. Part of this hunger will be satisfied by reunion with our twin. From what I read, this is when the journey home to our Source begins in earnest.

Our spiritual awakening will eventually inspire us to question, and then cause us to discard, the false beliefs we have about traditional relationships, which are primarily ego driven and fear based. We will discover that, in order to have a lasting, fulfilling and meaningful partnership, the positive energy of unconditional love will have to replace the negative influence of the ego.

Once twins begin to think and feel this way they are setting the stage for reunion. And once reunited, the twins will still have to work at their relationship to make it a lasting and rewarding one. Twin reunion by itself does not guarantee happiness. It simply sets the stage for it. Bringing a powerful spiritual awareness and a strong sense of Self into a newfound twin reunion will provide the sustenance and glue for its balance and longevity.

Another very important step prior to reunion is the need for balancing the masculine and feminine energies within each of us. The masculine half has always retained some of the original feminine energy that the soul possesses, while the feminine half still holds onto a part of the masculine essence it once was united with.

Since that time, we have roamed around in this incomplete, unbalanced state of being looking for soul completion. We'll continue to experience life after life and relationship after relationship until we decide we've had enough separation from our other half and want something more fulfilling.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that it is very easy to fall in love with the "picture" of the twin soul concept and be blinded by all that it promises. That has to be brought into proper focus and balance. Another danger is over-idealizing and hyper-romanticizing your partner and your relationship to the point where you believe you will live happily ever after regardless of what the future brings. That is not true. Depending upon one's level of spiritual development, twin souls can have varying degrees of ego issues just as other partners do.

Over many lifetimes soul mate relationships prepare us for lasting twin reunion. They are a very important part of the process and should be blessed as such. Most often, soul mate unions will last longer and be more rewarding than the electrifying, but often stormy, twin pairings. Twin soulship is a very highly charged partnership and the two must be spiritually ready for it to last. When they are, their union will transcend all others.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


A love letter is a romantic way to express feelings of love in written form. Sometimes sent in the mail, or by electronic mail, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation of feelings.

Often letters are preferable to face-to-face contact because they can be written as the thoughts come to the author. This may allow feelings to be more easily expressed than if the writer were in the beloved's presence. Further, expressing strong emotional feelings to paper or some other permanent form can be an expression within itself of desire and the importance of the beloved and the lover's emotions. The expression of feelings may be made to an existing love or in the hope of establishing a new relationship. The increasing rarity and consequent emotional charm of personal mail may also serve to emphasize the emotional importance of the message.

Other times, especially in the past before the wide use of telecommunications, letters were one of the few ways for a couple to remain in contact. When one of them was posted or stationed some distance from the other, the "being apart" often intensified emotions and many times a desired normal communication could lead to a letter expressing love, longing and desires. This was especially the case with large numbers of young men and women separated during times of war. During these times, "love letters" were the only means of communication, and soldiers even swapped addresses of desirable young ladies so that an initial communication and potential relationship could be started between them.

As with any letter, a love letter could be written in any structure or style. One historically popular method is as a sonnet or other form of poem. William Shakespeare's sonnets are often cited as good examples of how to write emotional themes. There have been published books collecting models and suggestions for love letters, such as the anthology Love Letters of Great Men. In German speaking countries, love letters were painted by hand on delicately cut high quality paper and writing such letters was considered a folk art. The generic term for this art in German is "Freundschaftsbrief" or friendship brief. Here is an example of text painted on such a love letter two certuries ago: "Liebst du Mich, Wie ich Dich, Nichts Mehr Begehr ich" (If you love me, like I love you, I will want for nothing more!)

After the end of a relationship, returning love letters to the sender or burning them can symbolise the hurt felt. In the past, love letters also needed to be returned as a matter of honor: a love letter, particularly from a lady, could be compromising or embarrassing later in life.

Some stationery companies produce paper and envelopes specifically for love letters. Some of these are scented, though some people like to use their own perfume to strengthen the impact of the letter.


The English word "love" can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. Often, other languages use multiple words to express some of the different concepts that English relies mainly on "love" to encapsulate; one example is the plurality of Greek words for "love." Cultural differences in conceptualizing love thus make it doubly difficult to establish any universal definition.

Love is a number of emotion and experience related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ( I LOVE THAT MEAL ) to intense interpersonal attraction ( I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND or GIRLFRIEND ) . This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feeling involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

Love is an extremely powerful emotion; it can be irresistible and people are often bound to pursue their love interests. Love is a major theme in literature, poetry, and film.

As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. Even this limited conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual emotional closeness of familial and platonic love to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

When discussed in the abstract, love usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience felt by a person for another person. Love often involves caring for or identifying with a person or thing, including oneself.

Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings. It is a more potent sentiment than a simple liking for another. Unrequited love refers to those feelings of love that are not reciprocated. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with interpersonal relationships. Such love might exist between family members, friends, and couples. There are also a number of psychological disorders related to love, such as erotomania.

Throughout history, philosophy and religion have done the most speculation on the phenomenon of love. In the last century, the science of psychology has written a great deal on the subject. In recent years, the sciences of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, neuroscience, and biology have added to the understanding of the nature and function of love.